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Animal Welfare Our Pledge And Ongoing Efforts


Animal Welfare: Our Pledge and Ongoing Efforts

The Alarming Reality of Farmed Animal Welfare

In 2021, a staggering 229 million farmed animals were impacted by welfare concerns, a sobering statistic that highlights the urgent need for action.

Disturbing Statistics on Animal Abuse

Every year, an estimated 10 million animals in the United States suffer unimaginable pain and cruelty. These preventable deaths paint a grim picture of the suffering endured by our voiceless companions.

Globally, the scale of animal suffering is even more alarming. The latest FAO statistics reveal that a staggering 77 billion farmed animals are slaughtered annually for human consumption. Out of these countless lives, approximately 400 cases involve sickening acts of cruelty and long-term abuse, such as the use of short chains.

While our focus is primarily on reducing suffering among farmed animals, our commitment extends to all creatures capable of feeling pain. We recognize that by addressing animal welfare holistically, we can create a more compassionate and equitable society for all.



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